It’s time for decent people to organise!


By Justin Walker on behalf of the UK Whole Truth Coalition





You’ve been rumbled Mr Davis ...

David Icke’s recent participation in the Haltemprice and Howden 'Big Brother' by-election has exposed just what is really going on behind the scenes as regards the tiptoe advancement of the Hidden Global Elite (sometimes referred to as the Illuminati or the New World Order) and their fascist agenda for the UK and, indeed, the rest of the world. Throughout the election campaign, which David Davis tells us he called in order to stimulate an open and honest discussion about the emerging ‘Big Brother’ state, Davis refused to debate in any sort of way with David Icke and even prevented him physically from attending a public meeting where he a nd Bob Geldof were speaking. In fact, no-one was allowed to debate publicly with him during his carefully controlled campaign - Shan Oakes, the Green Party candidate, was even prevented by a Davis’ campaign team member from attending the public meeting that was addressed by Shami Chakrabarti of ‘Liberty’.

However, the truth about what was really going on had already started to emerge. Working on information provided by truth researcher Andrew Cheetham, David Icke had learned that the Davis campaign was being supported by MPs and organisations which have direct links with leading Neo-conservatives in America along with dubious ‘security’ companies which benefit directly and financially from the existence of a totalitarian ‘Big Brother’ state.

But equally worrying was the information that came to light during the campaign concerning the current director of the British civil liberties group ‘Liberty’, the aforementioned Shami Chakrabarti CBE. Her direct involvement at a senior level with the British-American Project (partly supported by GM foods giant Monsanto) and the Ditchley Foundation (of which she is a Governor), casts very real doubts about her professional commitment to open transparent government and protecting our civil liberties. Both of these organisations, or ‘think tanks’ as they like to be called, are considered by researchers to be mini-Bilderberg groups, especially as discussions that take place amongst the influential participants are considered very private and non-attributable.

Click on these following links get the full picture about what really happened in this by-election and the questions that David Davis refuses to answer:

The only sensible conclusion you can arrive at from what happened during this campaign is that David Davis is a fraud and that this whole ‘civil liberties’ campaign supported by the Conservative Party elite is nothing more than a scam and a sham to hoodwink a gullible electorate into believing that David Cameron can be trusted to look after our civil liberties for when the British people put him into Number Ten with a decisive majority, as seems very likely at the moment.  As far as the Hidden Global Elite are concerned, just as they had with their fast-tracked puppet Tony Blair, they will have their man in place to ensure that no-one gets in th e way to slow down or stop their ‘Big Brother' agenda - especially when engineered events and ‘false-flag’ attacks are carried out to speed things along.

Very rarely has a leading political figure been exposed in such a damaging and decisive way in so short a period of time. And the excellent news is that there is now a Hull Truth Group forming which has the avowed intention of getting this information out to Davis' unsuspecting constituents who have absolutely no idea as to how they have been duped in this by-election.


But what is happening in Hull must now start to happen in all parts of the UK, especially as the Hidden Global Elite, aided and abetted by their puppets and 'useful idiots' in Parliament, are moving into the home straight with much of their criminal agenda well out in front. The simple truth is that ordinary decent people must organise - and organise fast to end this gathering nightmare!

Our MPs ...

All MPs have been emailed, sent and given personally information that proves that the official account of 9/11 does not stand up to any sort of close scrutiny. Even when they are told that the Laws of Physics have to be suspended to ensure that the official narrative makes any sort of sense, they do and say nothing. My own MP, the Liberal Democrat Tim Farron, an otherwise excellent constituency MP, told me outside his constituency office in Kenda l that he had a real problem believing the official account of 9/11 after the evidence we had shown him, but in the three years he has been aware of this evidence he has never once voiced his concerns publicly. British troops are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq as a direct result of what happened on 9/11. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed and maimed horribly as a direct result of 9/11. Our civil liberties are being taken away from us as a direct result of 9/11. The War on Terror is utterly bogus. There are huge question marks about what really happened on 7/7. And our MPs, including the outspoken Norman Baker who argues that David Kelly was murdered, say and do NOTHING in public!  Just what the hell is going on?

And when it comes to the advance of the European Superstate, the situation is hardly any better. Yes, there are EU sceptics amongst our MPs on both sides of the House, but they will not look at the BIG PICTURE. For example, George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, has now attended three consecutive Bilderberg Group meetings (the latest of which even discussed the microchipping of Americans under the pretext of fighting terrorism) but nobody has ever seriously challenged him inside the House of Commons about his involvement with this extremely secretive, undemocratic and sinister group that can affect global economies and start wars. All MPs have had concrete proof sent to them about the existence of unelected, unaccountable and extremely secretive int ernational networking organisations made up of powerful and influential people, but they prefer to look the other way and let democracy suffer.

The simple truth for Britain is that our freedoms and our abilities to decide our own destinies are being taken away from us and handed over to the unelected and largely unaccountable European Commission, whilst our civil liberties are disappearing as we allow ourselves to be deceived by criminal 'false-flag' terrorist attacks and the resulting bogus War on Terror. And we haven't even begun to look at the man-made Global Warming scam which is being used to tax us more and to control our everyday lives whilst attempting to plant more fear into all of us. Nor the suppressed ‘free’ energy technologies (Tesla and the like) or medical breakthroughs based around the biophysics of medicine that would benefit all of humanity. Nor even have we mentioned the effects of the infamous EU-backed Codex Alimentarius that will destroy organic farming and the Natural Health Care Industry.


The bottom line is that there is evidence that would stand up in any properly conducted Court of Law that there is a Global Conspiracy being carried out by a tiny powerful minority to sentence the decent, peace-loving peoples of this world to an Orwellian nightmare ... and our elected representatives, our servants when all is said and done, are doing nothing, absolutely nothing about it.   But with your help, this is al l about to change!

Local Truth Groups ...

What is happening in Hull must be replicated all over the country in a very short period of time . There are already many localised groupings of enlightened people who can see the ‘Big Picture’ and who meet regularly to discuss how to stand up to this growing nightmare of a situation. What is being proposed here will not only complement all the good work that is currently going on, but will give the British truth movement as a whole a much sharper focus to work with. The most important thing is that whatever we do, we must not be hierarchical in our structure or thinking – if you have leaders and a pyramid command structure, you can be controlled by the Hidden Global Elite through their puppets and useful idiots ... just as our MPs are. We must all do our own thing locally, backed up with support, encouragement, information and guidance from key websites such, and

Certainly, it is the intention of those of us who are behind the UK Whole Truth Coalition that we simply act as an information clearing house with no control whatsoever over local groups. Where a group would like support for an event or action they are doing, then we would, using our considerable network of like-minded people, put the word out for that support and would help to co-ordinate the response, if that is helpful to the group concerned.

Local Truth Groups must spring up quickly in every city, town and community in the country. They must pursue their elected representatives (MPs MEPs, MSPs, Members of the Welsh Assembly and local councillors) with the clear evidence that there is a Hidden Global Elite operating to worsen considerably the overall human condition. They must challenge and expose those senior elected representatives of our political establishment who are either actively involved with or knowingly compliant to the Hidden Global Elite. Those found with a case to answer must be brought to justice through the British courts for their treasonous and, in some cases, murderous acts.

Actual setting up of a Truth Group ...

If you would like to set up a Truth Group in your area , or you have something similar already set up, please contact us at and Using our comprehensive network of contacts we will see if we can locate other like-minded people close to you to build up your numbers. For those starting out with just themselves or a friend and having never done anything like this before, here are just a few tips which you may find useful:

1. Have fun!   The best way to get an active and effective group together is for everyone to become good friends. For your first meeting, consider hosting a small food and drinks party at your home and just have a great time getting to know each other. People who laugh and have fun show no fear ....and it is the absence of fear that will turn you into an effective truth campaigner. Indeed, your positive and fearless attitude will put real fear into the guilty parties that you are seeking to expose.

2. Agree to meet at least twice a month and don’t get bogged down in formalities - take very brief minutes of the meetings to remind yourselves of the tasks that need doing but keep the meetings lighthearted with a minimum amount of formal 'Chairing'. Find out the strengths of the people attending the meeting and encourage them all to get involved. All truthseekers have particular areas of interest - try and ensure that no one person dominates the meeting with their own area of expertis e.

3. Set yourself the initial task of a basic political audit of the geographical area that you wish to cover. Check out the parliamentary constituency or constituencies in your area and who are the MPs. Find out who your MEP is and, if you are in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, who your other elected representatives are. Check out your local council to see which Party is in overall control, if any, and who are the key council officers and officials serving the councillors.

4. Using the internet, check the profile and voting behaviour of your MP. A useful resource is Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - just feed your MP’s name into a search engine and you will find the relevant page. It is a good idea that you all task yourselves with finding out as much as you can about your political representatives, and then meet up to swap notes and so build up consensus profiles that you can work with.

5. On the crucial issues already outlined above, prepare very polite letters to ask your representatives for their views. Monitor carefully their replies and please send copies to myself at and so that we at the Whole Truth Coalition can build up an overall picture of how our MPs are reacting to the growing UK truth movement

6. Find out when your MP holds his or her surgery and go along - the ideal number is for three of you to go, t wo to politely ask the questions, the third to film the meeting with a camcorder. If the MP objects to being filmed and being put on record, make sure you film his or her objections - we at will put it up on YouTube for the world to see!

7. Find out if any senior members of your MP’s political party are visiting your area - if they are, be ready to ambush them nicely with carefully prepared and polite questions, again filming this questioning for posterity. Entertaining or revealing responses will again be given a much wider airing with our help.

8. Also, make contact with other similar campaigns in your area and again swap notes and so exert even more pressure on your elected representatives.

9. Contact your local newspapers and radio stations and brief them fully about your concerns. Suggest they do a feature on the grassroots truth movement spreading throughout your area and indeed the country. Take part in 'phone-ins' and make sure the 'gatekeepers' at the BBC have a hard time.

10. Thoroughly investigate organisations which would appear to be advancing the Hidden Global Elite's agenda using stealth and deceit, especially the bogus 'training' charity 'Common Purpose' and the new 'green' grassroots organisation 'Transition Towns'.

Conclusion ...

We have reached a very crucial time in our battle with the Hidden Global Elite. The prison gate is starting to close with most of the inmates totally oblivious to what's coming. The proverbial 'Middle England' Daily Mail readers can see a large number of the dots (people being fined for putting out their wheelie bins too early etc. etc. etc.) but very few of them, as yet, are joining the dots to see the 'Big Picture'. The David Davis by-election fiasco has proved just how important it is that we target the 'chosen one', David Cameron, and so expose his future role in overseeing the final stage in taking Britain into the Orwellian nightmare of a Global Fascist Government. All politicians must now become answerable to their criminal inaction but the Conservatives, in particular, must be prevented from having a massive landslide at the next General Election - we all know what has been ‘achieved’ by the last young and charismatic Prime Minister with a huge majority!   And we must also expect another massive 9/11 style 'false flag' attack to speed up this global agenda.

So please get involved ... we have all the evidence we need, we now just have to get it out to the decent people for them to rise up in ‘lawful rebellion’ to derail this oncoming nightmare.  If you need further prompting, have a look at these two short but inspirational videos:

Justin Walker (

UK Whole Truth Coalition



It’s time for decent people to organise!


By Justin Walker on behalf of the UK Whole Truth Coalition






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