Ms V has been to Bohemia Grove in California and has a lot to say about it and the EU.

The following link is on Google Video -- Ms V - Bohemian Grove The EU and a Rose

Ms V visits Monte Rio in California the home of Bohemia Grove. The place reported to be the meeting place of world leaders, controllers, insiders, who yearly attend a ceremony called The Cremation of Care.  Leaving their cares behind, does this leave them immune to their conscience for what they have done?  Are they planning world events and conditions for us in planned meetings?  Are they simply getting together at an exclusive redwood grove in the woods for some 'fun' 'highjinks' ... the things the 'Bohos' do.  Upon visiting the town, a local describes them as just some rich people getting drunk in the woods and besides the organization contributes to the maintenance of local schools and property taxes.  Insisting that nothing Diabolical or Subversive goes on there, the local defended their activities which also includes sponsoring a play in the local town Monte Rio.  Bohos visit there incognito and mix with the locals.  A town that once was much larger in victorian times has burned down year by year until only two buildings survive.  Secret meetings, occult rituals, diabolical schemes, insider get together, all occur here throughout the year. (Disclaimer: Views and opinions presented here are for informational and educational purposes only and may not necessarily be those of the makers of this video.)

"To Achieve World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." -- Brock Chisholm (Director of the World Health Organization)