The following are statements of fact -- not faith.  Every statement made below is Scriptural. 

 1. Messianic Faith holds to the immutable fact that there are three deities who are one family (Deut. 6.4). These three individual deities are called Elohim with their family name being YHWH. There is YHWH the Father, YAHSHUA YHWH the Son and the HOLY SPIRIT YHWH.  The doctrine that there is one deity revealed in three persons is not Biblical and is a false doctrine.  There is not a single passage to support that tradition of men.

2. YHWH, YAHSHUA and the HOLY SPIRIT created the cosmos complete in an instant of time (Genesis 1:1-2; Kolossians 1:15,16).  When the devil and 1/3 of the angels rebelled they fought a long war with the holy angels. The Earth was destroyed and parts of the solar system and cosmos were damaged. Elohim YHWH then reconditioned the Earth (Gen. 1.3-31).

3. The events described in the Bible are historical and not allegorical. The flood was universal (2 Keph-Peter 2:5) and Yonah was swallowed by a fish (Leviy-Matthew 12:39-41), etc.

4. The original manuscripts are without error and are the inspired word of YHWH (2 Timotheos 3:16; 2 Keph-Peter 2:20,21). The Bible as we have it today has some errors due to the problems associated with translating ancient languages into modern ones. Most translations of the Bible, though, are faithful to the original manuscripts and no doctrine has been distorted by the few errors in them. No single translation is "thee" Word of YHWH to the exclusion of the others and no text is "thee" Word of YHWH to the exclusion of the others.

5. YAHSHUA of Nazareth was conceived of the HOLY SPIRIT (Leviy 1:18,20; Lk. 1:35) and born of the virgin, Miryam (Leviy 1:23,25; Lk. 1:27,34), who was His surrogate mother. He lived a sinless life (Leviy 1:18-23 & Ibriy-Hebrews 4:15).

6. YAHSHUA was crucified and shed His blood to cleanse the sins of the elect (Revelation 1:5). He was entombed Wednesday evening just before sunset (Leviy 27:58-60), descended into Paradise (Lk. 23:43). He rose bodily 72 hours later at 3pm on Saturday (Leviy 28:1-6; Mk. 16:1-7; Lk. 24:1-7; Yochanan-John 20:1-18). His tomb was discovered to be empty (Leviy 28.1-10) just after sunset on the Sabbath (Leviy 28.1). Sunday (the first day of the week) started the minute that the sun set on the Sabbath (Saturday).

7. YAHSHUA now sits at the right hand of the throne of YHWH (Mk. 16:19; Acts 7:55-56; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20; Kol. 3:1; Ibriy 1:3,13; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; I Keph 3:22) awaiting the time of His Second Advent when He will come to rapture His bride (I Thes. 4:16-17; I Korinthians 15:51-53) just prior to the breaking of the sixth seal (I Thes. 5.9; Rev. 6.12-17), and later come to judge the world (Rev. 19:11-21). He will then reign on Earth for 1,000 years after which He will judge the wicked (Rev.-20:11-15) and reign with YHWH through all eternity in the Eternal Kingdom (Rev. 21:22-23; 22:1, 3). The elect (saints) will reign with Him (Rev. 22:5).

8. Each member of the Holy Trinity is equal in all aspects to the other members. The HOLY SPIRIT is not a force, but a being like the Father and the Son. The HOLY SPIRIT does what a force cannot do. He can be blasphemed (Leviy 12:31; Mk. 3:29; Lk. 12:10), tempted (Acts 5:9), lied to (Acts 5:3) and grieved (Eph. 4:30). He convicts the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment (Yoch. 16:8). He has a mind (Rom. 8:27) and knows what is good (Acts 15:28). He speaks (Mk. 13:11; Yoch. 16:13; Acts 8:29; 10:19; 13:2; 20:23; 21:11; 28:25 Ibriy 3:7; Rev. 2:7,11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 14:13; 22:17). He bears witness (Acts 5:32; Acts 20:23; Ibriy 10:15; I Yoch. 5:6), sanctifies believers (Rom. 15:16), fellowships with them (I Kor. 13:14) and sends them on missions (Acts 13:4). He also teaches them (Lk. 12:12; Yoch. 14:26; I Kor. 2:13), comforts them (Yoch. 14:14; 16:26; Acts 9:31), guides them into all the truth and discloses future events to them (Yoch. 16:13). He forbids believers to do certain things (Acts 16:6) and ordains elders for the assemblies (Acts 20:28).  Pronouns are used in reference to the HOLY SPIRIT (Yoch. 14:16-17,26; 16:13-14). Pronouns are never used when referring to a force only to a being.

9. All men are descended from Adam (I Kor. 15:45). When Adam disobeyed YHWH (Gen. 3:6, 12), sin entered the world (Rom. 5:12) and all of his descendants are conceived and born in sin (Psalm 51:5; Rom. 5:12, 18, 19). Everyone who has ever lived has sinned (Romans 3:23) and those who die in their sins will be judged by YHWH (Ibriy 9:27; Rev. 20:12). They will all be found guilty and cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:15) where they will be consciously tortured with burning sulfur through all eternity (Rev. 14:10,11; 20:10; 21:8). They will never have a moment’s rest. They will have no hope of escape, pardon or parole. Their doom is final!

10. The elect--the Bride of YAHSHUA (2 Yahshua-Isaiah 65:9; Romans 8:28-33; Rev. 19:7-9) are saved by grace through faith in YAHSHUA (Ephesians 2:8). Salvation is by grace through faith in YAHSHUA without the works of man (Titos 3:5; Rom. 3:28; 4:6; 11:6; Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-9; 2 Tim. 1:9). Those who are saved do not have to do good works to keep their salvation and they can never be lost no matter how much they sin (Yoch 10:28-29). If a person continuously sins without repentance it probably means he was never born from above, but everyone who is born of the HOLY SPIRIT (Yoch 3:6) has eternal life and (I Yoch 5:10-13) cannot lose it.

11. The elect are ambassadors of YAHSHUA (2 Kor. 5.20) and have been commissioned by Him to make disciples of all the nations (Leviy 28:19-20).

12. When a person trusts YAHSHUA to save him he is to be immediately baptized as a symbol of being admitted to the body of YAHSHUA (I Kor. 12.13; Gal. 3.27) as a priest of YHWH (I Keph 2.9).  The one who leads him to YAHSHUA is to explain what water baptism is symbolic of and then baptize him.  The Scriptural mode of baptism is to pour water over the person's head as the priests of the Old Testament dispensation poured oil over the head of other priests to annoint them.  Water is symbolic of the HOLY SPIRIT (Yoch. 4.10, 14; 7.38-39) and the pouring of water over a person's head is symbolic of the annointing that every believer has at the moment of conversion (I Yoch. 2.20, 27).

Yochanan the baptizer was the last Old Testament dispensation prophet.  He annointed YAHSHUA as prophet, priest and king when he baptized Him.  That is what YAHSHUA was talking about when he commanded Yochanan to baptize Him.  He had to do it to "fulfill all righteousness" (Leviy 3.15).  YAHSHUA could not begin His ministry until He was properly annointed prophet, priest and king by the only living Ibriy prophet.  The Yahudiy priests that plotted to murder YAHSHUA could not annoint Him because they were impostures (Yoch. 8.33) and not priests of the Levitical order.

The tradition of men to dunk converts is not Scriptural and destroys the symbolism of a convert becoming a priest of YHWH with the annointing of the HOLY SPIRIT.   Dunking is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of a believer with YAHSHUA, but that is not what baptism is symbolic of. 

When a person baptizes a convert he is to baptize him in the name of the Father and the Son and the HOLY SPIRIT.  That name is YAHSHUA.  Every time the Apostles baptized a convert they did so in the name of YAHSHUA (Acts 2.38; 8.16; 10.48; 19.5).   They did not baptize converts by saying, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the HOLY SPIRIT" and fail to say what that name is.

The name of the Father, Son and HOLY SPIRIT is YAHSHUA.  YAH is the contraction of the name of the Father and the Ibriy word "shua" which means salvation.  YAHSHUA means YHWH'S salvation.  The HOLY SPIRIT has no name, but comes in the name of the Son (Yoch. 14.26).  Therefore, when a person baptizes a convert he is to say, "I baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the HOLY SPIRIT -- the Lord YAHSHUA Mashiyach."

13. Hell is a real place in the heart (not the center) of the Earth (Leviy 12.40) where the wicked are tortured with fire and thirst (Lk. 16.23,24) until they kneel before YAHWEH and YAHSHUA YAHWEH at the Great White Throne Judgment.

14. The Lake of Fire is a real place where the wicked will be tortured with burning sulfur through all eternity (Rev. 14.9-11; 20.10).  Everyone who is cast into that real place will have no hope of pardon, parole or escape.  Their fate is sealed through all eternity.

The Lake of Fire is located in a place of outer darkness (Leviy 22.13). Darkness is NOT a condition of that place. It is filled with light from the burning sulfur. All arguments that the descriptions of the LOF are not literal are specious and heretical. Everyone who denies a literal LOF with real fire, burning sulfur (brimstone), coals of fire, burning wind, unquenchable thirst and other tortures is apostate.

"It is most difficult to free slaves from the chains they worship." DOV

Some of those chains are false doctrines and the traditions of men!