Evolution is a religious dogma

It is an indisputable fact that the hypothesis of evolution is a religious dogma, because there is no scientific evidence to support it. The hypothesis, not theory, of evolution was invented to sooth the conscience of wicked men who wanted to deceive themselves into believing they are not accountable for their crimes (sins) against their fellow man, and that they will not be held accountable for those crimes and the crimes they commit against the creator of the Cosmos.

Contrary to popular religious belief, there is no evidence of any kind to support evolution. All the arguments for that hypothesis are personal opinions of men who reject science and the scientific evidence of reality. ALL scientific evidence concerning the creation of the Cosmos and life on Earth clearly prove that the cosmos was created by an intelligent Being for a specific purpose. ALL scientific evidence also proves that all forms of life on Earth were created for specific purposes. There are thousands of symbiotic relationships between anuimals, plants and people. These symbiotic relationships had to be in place at the beginning. The relationships could not evolve over millions of years.

All priests of atheism and humanism, the two major religions that teach the false doctrine of evolution, know that the Cosmos and everything in it were created with a specific designed purpose. The famous atheist Richard Dawkins, wrote: “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose” (Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 1). They know and understand that everything has a specific purpose and that everything was designed for that purpose. they also know and understand that everything that has a design must have a designer, BUT they deny that scientific FACT! They fall back on their religious beliefs to deny reality and create their own reality to support their dogmatic, religious beliefs. This is an incontrovertible FACT!

The hypothesis of evolution must always be understood to be nothing more than an unproven hypothesis that does NOT have a single piece of scientific evidence to support it! All that evolution has to support it are the personal opinions of the priests of atheism and humanism (aka scientists), and those who labor with them in attempting to deceive the gullible. Some of their co-laborers are the media, university professors, public and private school teachers, writers, book publishers and movie producers.

For irrefutable PROOF that evolution is a fantasy take the Evolution Challenge!

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