The police forgot to inform practice

Anti-terrorpolitiet avfyrte sprengladninger under en øvelse midt i Oslo, to hundre meter fra Operaen, men glemte å gi beskjed til publikum.

Anti-terror police fired explosive charges during a training center in Oslo, two hundred meters from the Opera, but forgot to notify the public.

Væpnet politi kunne i går observeres i området rundt Operaen i Bjørvika, og voldsomme smell kunne høres over store deler av byen. Armed police could last seen in the area around the opera house in Oslo, and violent bangs could be heard over large parts of the city.

Ingen visste var at det hele bare var snakk om en øvelse.

No one knew was that this was all a matter of practice.

Informasjonsseksjonen i Oslo politidistrikt legger seg flate og beklager sterkt at publikum ikke ble gjort oppmerksom på den tilsynelatende dramatiske øvelsen.

Information Section of the Oslo police lie flat and deeply regrets that the public was not made aware of the seemingly dramatic exercise.

Kommunikasjonssvikt Communication Failure

Det var rett og slett en kommunikasjonssvikt.

It was simply a communication failure.

Mange andre ble varslet om øvelsen, men ikke publikum, sier pressesjef Unni Grøndal til

Many others were notified of the exercise, but not the public, says press officer Unni Grøndal to

Det var beredskapstroppen, politiets nasjonale spesialenhet mot terror, som trente på avsperret område ved Bjørvikautstikkeren.

It was the emergency squad, police national special unit against terrorism, as practiced in the cordoned off area at Bjørvika pier. I følge en pressemelding fra politiet, nesten ett døgn etter øvelsen, besto noe av treningen av kontrollerte avfyringer av ladninger.

According to a press release from the police, nearly a day after the exercise, which consisted of training of controlled firing of the charges.

"Ved en intern kommunikasjonssvikt ble dette ikke varslet til redaksjonene og til publikum i går," heter det i pressemeldingen.

"In an internal communication failure was not reported to the editors and the audience yesterday," the press release.

Politiet beklager dersom treningen førte til problemer eller unødig bekymring for noen, eller dersom noen har blitt forstyrret av aktivitetene.

Police apologize if the training led to problems or unnecessary concern for some, or if someone has been disturbed by activities.

Beklager Sorry

Vi må bare beklage, og legger oss helt flate, sier Grøndal.

We must regret, and lays us flat, says Grøndal.

Visste dere i informasjonsseksjonen om øvelsen?

Did you know the information section about exercise?

Det er nok noen som ikke har gitt oss beskjed.

It is NOT someone who has not given us a message.

Det kommer ikke til å skje igjen. It will not happen again.

Øvelsen fortsetter for øvrig også onsdag kveld og det kommer til å smelle noen ganger, forteller Grøndal.

The exercise will continue for the rest of the Wednesday night and it's going to slam a few times, telling Grøndal.

Og det smalt skikkelig også onsdag.

And it is really too narrow Wednesday.

Ved 18-tiden sprengte tre politifolk fra beredskapstroppen seg inn i den ubrukte murbygningen ytterst på Bjørvikautstikkeren, mens turistene på Operaen like ved var tilskuere.

The 18-time blew up three police officers from the emergency squad into the unused brick building at the edge of Bjørvika pier, while the tourists at the Opera House close to the spectators.

Øvelsen fulgte et velkjent mønster for alle antiterror-styrker over hele verden: Mannskapene firte seg ned fra taket og inn gjennom vinduet som nettopp var blitt sprengt ut, mens de avfyrte håndvåpnene sine.

The exercise followed a familiar pattern for all anti-terror forces around the world: The men lowered themselves down from the roof and in through the window that had just been blown out, while they fired hand their weapons. (7.24.2011, HANS O. TORGERSEN)  

"To Achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." (Brock Chisholm - Director of the World Health Organization)
"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get." (Ian Williams Goddard)

The fact is that "political correctness" is all about creating uniformity. Individualism is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of the New World Order. They want a public that is predictable and conditioned to do as it's told without asking questions.

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."   Thomas Jefferson

America the Beautiful

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