EP-Founder in 1945: European Federation First Step towards a World Federation

In a series of pamphlets constructed in the latter days of the German occupation of the European continent for the Dutch ‘De Baanbreker’ magazine (Pioneer Magazine), one of the founders of the European Parliament, H.R. Nord (nicknamed ‘Mister Europe’), wrote that all European countries should prepare to construct a ‘European Federation’ as a first step in the direction of a world government.

When by the end of 1944 it became clear that the Nazis were doomed in their conquest for complete domination, with two impatient superpowers waiting in the wings, Nord elaborated on this idea in a three-part series, explaining that steps toward a world government should be pursued to rid the world once and for all of future German aspirations for world domination. With remarkable foresight he describes the exact steps that would be taken in the decades to come.

In his first article, ‘For a Federal Europe’, Nord states right out of the gates that: ‘The problem of a New World Order is now more acute than ever. Now the war is ended, and simultaneously the prime stimulant of cooperation between the superpowers, it is of the greatest importance people realise what is required of us if we are to regain peace: an effort no smaller than the one which led to the defeat of the enemy.’ According to Nord though, the recently created United Nations was too soft to lead this effort. Referring to the Charter of the United Nations, agreed upon by the first member-states in the months after the war, he criticizes its main principle of ‘sovereign equality of states’ with the argument that sovereignty is what got them into this mess in the first place. ‘They have not dared to state that it was exactly this ‘sovereign equality’ that constituted the greatest obstacle on the road to a better order of states.’

Nord therefore advocates doing away with sovereignty of nation states altogether and replacing it with a grand federation that can decide the fate of member-states with perfect impunity. He makes his case for a federation as opposed to a league of nations, which was in place during the rise of Hitler but had not been able to keep him from his tyrannical trajectory. Nord also makes clear that he is certainly not the first to advocate such a European federation. ‘In the last 30 years, propaganda has been made for this idea of a federation, especially for a European federation, from many different sides. One has to keep in mind though, that a federation is not an objective in itself; it is rather a means to a particular end.’ According to ‘mister Europe’, this ‘end’ is beyond debate: ‘A federation that will eventually include all nations of the world. It is clear that such an ideal will only be realised in the very long term; but there is every reason to proceed with the first step as soon as possible. And where can this first step better be taken than in Europe.’        

In the second part of his trilogy, ‘Federal Union and Resistance Movement’, Nord explains that the idea of one European ‘bloc’ was widespread during the darkest years of Hitler’s reign, especially in underground literature put out by several resistance movements throughout occupied Europe. A European Federation, writes Nord, must be based on the principles of the Atlantic Charter: an allied plan for the world after the foul dragon was slain. But he also writes, that ‘these principles cannot be accomplished unless the different nations are prepared to surrender the dogma of absolute state sovereignty to unite within a federal organisation. The current lack of unity and coherence between the different parts of the world makes it impossible to try for a world federation.’  
In order for this European Federation to adequately function, Nord makes it perfectly clear that nations should ‘definitively surrender their sovereign rights to the federation regarding defence, foreign policy, international finance and exchange.’ He also writes that ‘No national defence will be allowed.’

The author points out that his ideas are certainly not his to take credit for. He makes clear that the plan for this future federation was already outlined by the International Comity for European Federation in March of ’45 during a conference in liberated Paris. ‘The International Comity for European Federation’, Nord writes, ‘firmly emphasizes that it considers a European federation to be nothing more than as first step towards a world federation. If it currently restricts its activities to the advancement of a European federation, it is because it wishes to have a practical objective, and also because it is convinced that Europe, with all its pressing difficulties, should be the first to accept a federal solution.’    

His third and final article goes into the ‘Practical consequences of a European federation’. Such a federation of course cannot function without a federal constitution, Nord argues. In regards to military matters within this new transnational construct, the author is crystal-clear: ‘national armies will cease to exist. Just like foreign policy, defence will be completely under the control of the federal government. (…) The production and sales of arms will also be put under federal control, and therefore be taken out of the hands of individuals and national states.’

H.R. Nord would later become Secretary-General of the European Parliament, presiding over the evolution toward a full-fledged European Union. He was one of the hands guiding this transformation into a world government. The attentive reader will have already noticed the similarities between the words of ‘Mister Europe’ written down in 1945 and the realities of the second half of the 20th century and the start of the 21st. Scripted a long time ago, the time has now arrived for the globalists to push for their aspired world government, no holds barred. The words ‘European federation’ may have been replaced by European Union; the final design has nevertheless the same characteristics that Nord describes so vividly in his three-part Manifest. NATO has provided for the international army, while the European Central Bank does the same for international finance. All these activities have been developed under the careful direction of the Bilderberg Group and subsequently carried out by its designated subdivisions. That it’s far from easy for the Bilderbergers to completely drive out the question of national sovereignty from the minds of men is proven by the words of prince Bernhard when he sighed: ‘It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body. (infowars, 5.27.2009, Jurriaan Maessen) http://www.infowars.com/ep-founder-in-1945-european-federation-first-step-towards-a-world-federation

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